that is the word I have to start this post off with.
Because I do.
But now I think instead of trying to write so comprehensively I'm just going to write bits and pieces whenever I remember to. Maybe that will keep me posting.
Really I have to come down on myself if this is ever going to work.
Alright so I'm still on Italy am I?
I think I shall skip our daytrips and go straight to the good stuff: Cinque Terre.
Cinque Terre is quite literally gorgeous.
Locks of Love. The Keys thrown away into the sea.
It's a string of 5 beach towns all connected by a hiking trail. Or by trail I mean at times little strip of earth to walk on to prevent you plummeting down a hill. We took the train in the morning from Maya's grandmother's house over to cinque terre and spent the day there. The towns was pretty were pretty much idyllic and we ended up hiking a lot more than we realized we would have or were told we were going to. You see we all thought that by trail Maya meant little footpath, but no this was real hiking and here we are in our little flats and bathing suits under little dresses. It was quite ridiculous, but we spent half the day relaxing on the sand and swimming in the Mediterranean. Half our group went kayaking, which I was too tired for, and then we decided to walk from one town to the next instead of taking the train. What looked like a half hour walk on the map turned about to be 2 and a half hours of almost nothing but stairs going up. With no water and not the right kind of shoes, I almost died and wanted to kill the people that said we should walk instead of taking the train.
We made it though and had a nice dinner before trying to take the train back to her grandmothers house.
And now the second time on the trip where we almost slept outside.
After a certain time of day there are no direct trains to the train station we went out of so we got off at one station to transfer onto a different train.
It was night.
Dinner had taken longer than we intended.
There were no more trains going to the station where our cars were parked.
We failed.
So half of us started looking for places in the train station to sit out the night while the more sane half of us went to look for a bus or taxi to get us back to where we needed to be.
We asked some italian guys if they knew of any buses going to our village.
No more till morning.
So we wondered around the train station until we found the taxi stand.
There were taxis!
So even though none of us wanted to pay for it (but really with 9 people it was not that exspensive) we got two taxis back to our train station.
We were exhausted, but I was just glad to make it back.
Alright that's all for now.
French word for today:
Le Rideau= Curtain