See I told you I would update more frequently now.
Plus I have a lot of catching up to do.
Last post I ended with a story of how we almost didn't get inside the house and had to sleep outside right? Yes right.
Alright so we made it through the wilderness.
Oh yes we made it through.
(5 points to anyone who can guess which song I'm quoting there)
We made it inside the house and we were all starving.
Oh I forgot that part in the last post! We hadn't eaten dinner yet when we arrived around 8pm and had stopped at the Penny market in the big town on the way in and spent very little on a ton of food. The only problem was that all of it needed to be cooked. So we were pretty excited when we actually got into the house and could make ourselves dinner.
Luckily in my group of friends there are a couple of us (myself included) who like to cook and cook for people. We aren't half bad either if I do say so myself. So for most of this trip we came back to the house and made ourselves dinner at night because we are all college students who don't have that much money to spend on extravagant dinners out.
Anyhoodles, there was a funny blunder in the grocery shopping by one of my friends. When we were at the penny market we all kind of split up to grab different stuff and one of my friends comes up and shows us these two big bottles of "wine" that are only 1 euro a piece. Now I didn't look at them carefully because I trusted him to be able to determine wine from other things. So we bought it and when we got back to the house we realized he had made a little mistake. Yes it did say "red wine" in italian on the bottle, but that other little italian word next to the red wine meant vinegar. Yes we had bought 2 big bottles of red wine vinegar. We were lucky in two aspects though: 1. They were only 1 euro each so it wasn't like they were expensive and 2. The guy who had made the mistake was the first one to try it and figure out that it wasn't wine, but vinegar. Though I don't really know how he couldn't have smelled it before he drank it and figured out it was vinegar. That was a stench.
The next day, when everyone in my group woke up abominably early. Seriously, these people are all my age or younger, you would think they would know how to sleep in and wouldn't wake up at like 7:30 in the morning and TALK LOUDLY. If any of you know my sleeping patterns you know that unless there is something pressing and important to do, I will sleep for a long time. So when my friends finally came in around 9 AM to get me to COOK POTATOES for breakfast because apparently no one can do them like I can, I was a little annoyed.
I bet your wondering how I cook my potatoes that wowed my friends so much. I must admit they are delicious but very very simple to make. And before this occurrence I had already taught them how to make them about 5 times. What kind of potatoes do I make? Roasted potatoes. With Garlic. And Salt. You cut them up, mince some garlic, put 'em on a tray with olive oil and throw them in the oven for a little while. VOILA! Roasted potatoes!
Really... (by the way I'm shaking my head as I type this)
Anyways sorry about that little rant there.
After breakfast, which was pretty delicious, we got in the cars and drove down to Gragnola. This little town about 10 minutes down the mountain that actually is big enough to have some stores and a post office. We went down to look around and then go to this pizza place that Maya's grandmother said was really good. The town was gorgeous with a river and random open rooms full of furniture. And seriously after a little while of walking around it seemed like the little old men came out of the woodwork to talk to us. They didn't even care that we spoke no italian. They just wanted to talk.
Here are some pictures.
we found this little set up wandering down a lane. Decided to pose.
River walking with Molly, Megan and Danielle!
One more little anecdote before this part is over because I have been writing this for a long time and there is still a lot to tell, but I can't be bothered to right it all down right now. It would taaaaake about forever.
Now is the story of how we met our 40 year old italian friend Christiano: While we were in Gragnola and after we had taken these lovely pictures above we decided to go find that pizza place. It was around lunch time and so when we went in we were told that they were only serving pasta at the moment and only two different kinds of pasta. We came out and were like ok let's just come back tonight when they are serving pizza. As we were milling around outside the pizza place and mostly playing with this little dog we nick named "fivi" the owners of the dog came out to talk to us. They told us the reason why the pizza place wasn't serving pizza was because they were still getting wood for the ovens. We thought this was reasonable and kept talking to this man and his mother. The man was Christiano and it was pretty funny talking to him because he spoke some english, but only a couple words and phrases learned from the internet. We asked him how to say some things in Italian and he was very jolly.
When the little old men of the town came out of the wood work to talk to us Christiano was there as well and all the old men were telling Christiano that he should pick one of us girls to marry, but all Christiano would say is that he liked being single and didn't want to marry anyone. We ended up seeing him a couple other times when we stopped in Gragnola on the way back up to her grandma's village.
Oh and little tidbit about my funny friend's. My roommate called Gragnola granola the entire time we were there. Also there was another town we passed with a really long name that started with a P that she just called Pandamonium. It was pretty good.
Alright enough for this post.
French word for today: les champignons= mushrooms
Now is the story of how we met our 40 year old italian friend Christiano: While we were in Gragnola and after we had taken these lovely pictures above we decided to go find that pizza place. It was around lunch time and so when we went in we were told that they were only serving pasta at the moment and only two different kinds of pasta. We came out and were like ok let's just come back tonight when they are serving pizza. As we were milling around outside the pizza place and mostly playing with this little dog we nick named "fivi" the owners of the dog came out to talk to us. They told us the reason why the pizza place wasn't serving pizza was because they were still getting wood for the ovens. We thought this was reasonable and kept talking to this man and his mother. The man was Christiano and it was pretty funny talking to him because he spoke some english, but only a couple words and phrases learned from the internet. We asked him how to say some things in Italian and he was very jolly.
When the little old men of the town came out of the wood work to talk to us Christiano was there as well and all the old men were telling Christiano that he should pick one of us girls to marry, but all Christiano would say is that he liked being single and didn't want to marry anyone. We ended up seeing him a couple other times when we stopped in Gragnola on the way back up to her grandma's village.
Oh and little tidbit about my funny friend's. My roommate called Gragnola granola the entire time we were there. Also there was another town we passed with a really long name that started with a P that she just called Pandamonium. It was pretty good.
Alright enough for this post.
French word for today: les champignons= mushrooms
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